Saurabh Varshneya
PhD Student
Since 2019 Saurabh Varshneya has been a research associate and PhD student at the TU Kaiserslautern in the Machine Learning group supervised by Prof. Dr. Marius Kloft. He received his M.Sc. in computer science at the TUK in 2019. During his studies, he worked as a teaching assistant at the department of computer science and a research assistant at DFKI, Insiders Technologies GmbH and at the chair of Prof. Kloft.
Research interests
Saurabh Varshneya is interested in the interpretability of neural networks, their improvement by training algorithms, early and late fusion techniques for heterogeneous data and image processing. He has been working on multimodal classification, anomaly detection and semantic segmentation using deep learning.

- Appointments and scientific matters
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- Office
- RPTU, Building 36, Room 316 - 67653 Kaiserslautern
- Office phone
- +49 631 205 3326